Thursday, November 1, 2012

National Novel Writing Month

Remember the Author I mentioned in my last post....God is still using her.  She mentioned the other day on facebook and twitter that she wanted to go back to writing novels.  I really was not happy with this, in fact I am ready to stop following her because God keeps using her to prick at me.

I have heard so much talk about November being National Novel Writing Month, and with that comes NaNoWriMo.  I have been ignoring such talk, as I don't consider myself a writer.

Oddly enough I found myself looking at the website for this.  You have to write 50,000 words in 30 days!!  What!?  Are you crazy?  I am not doing this!!

Then 2 days prior to November 1st, I find myself registering for an account, just because I haven't been able to totally dismiss this notion.  Still no intentions of going through with it.  Yesterday found me creating the main character, and developing the beginning scene.  And today, so far I have thought of more of the journey and some additional characters, although I haven't sat down to write for the day yet.

I may indeed be crazy....but I feel God nudging me towards trying this, even if I can't keep up and don't get the word count, just as a growth process.

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