Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Characters in my story

I realized today that I have talked often about my story and writing it.  But I have not told you the first thing about it.  I think that is partly because I was going by the seat of my pants and didn't pre-plan the story out.  But today I want to correct that, at least partially.

The story starts with my main character~
A 25 year old female, trying to escape from her abusive husband who has lots of friends in high places, so she must be extremely careful not to get caught.

A 30-year old young man, who is rejected by society, an orphan, his teenage history of being a problem child precedes him, society accuses him of being trouble and committing crimes, leaving society he sets out on his own.

A 15 year old autistic boy, who wakes to hear his parents shot, barely escapes into the woods behind his house.

A 6 year old, African American child, who was found tied to a log in the forest, leg pinned under a log, badly beaten and abused.

All the characters are on a journey to find freedom, peace, acceptance, and understanding, and possibly themselves.

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