Sunday, November 18, 2012

Creating Characters online

Copied from Forums:

Want an image of your character to look at to keep your descriptions somewhat consistent, but can’t draw or get an artist to draw a picture for you? Luckily there’s a lot of free online avatar makers you can use as a placeholder.

Gaia Dream Avatar Maker. Very cartoony (most of them are cartoony, but this one even more so), but a whole lot of options. Also one of the better choices for fantasy characters, as they’ve got a lot of fantastical clothing options.

Crysandrea Dream Avatar Maker. More realistic than Gaia though still anime-esque. Less clothing options, but more color choices for each item. Great for making humanoid fantasy monsters, or normal people.

Dream Selfy. Fun because it’s animated. Very much chibi. Loads of options, though can be difficult to sort though.

Digibody’s Caricature Maker. Not the prettiest results, but if you’ve got a character that isn’t anime-attractive all the time, this can help you define their face shape and proportions.

Meez Avatar Maker. It’s 3D!~ A fair amount of options. Note you don’t actually have to sign up to use the maker, but you won’t be able to save the avatar so you’ll have to take a screenshot. You’ll have to do that either way, actually…

If your character looks like a human, you can do a search for “PBs” (played-bys) on InsaneJournal. There are a lot of icon makers for journal-based role-playing on IJ, and some categorize by nationality, age, gender, hair color, etc. It can be very useful. And not all of the faces are “celebrities” either.

eLouai’s Candybar doll makers

It’s a more realistic anime-style than Gaia or Crysandrea, along with stupid amounts of clothes and hair styles. A good thing to note is that, out of the 3000ish hair styles, only 1000ish of them show up if you sort by color. Have fun.

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