Monday, April 20, 2009


So my to do list for the week includes:

Apply for medicaid

Put in job applications

Psychiatrist appointment

Check on unemployment

Review Esther notes from Session 4

Write a note to my imposter (false self) (For the book club)

Read more of the self-esteem book

Review notes from church yesterday

Look at yesterdays newspapers

Complete the self-esteem exercise

Do a post on the self-esteem exercise (in case anyone wants to do it)

Do a post on how we reinforce the pathological critic.

Today's list:

Put in applications and look at yesterdays papers.

Take frequent breaks.

Read some from the self-esteem book

Start the self-esteem exercise

Well I didn't have the motivation and never got any applications put in, but I did read both the papers. Now I am going to quit for the day and start reading I'm getting behind on some of my magazines and just taking time for me.

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