Monday, October 1, 2012

Typical BPD, Maybe

So I have belonged to this one website since 2009, and I have recently come to decide that it is time for me to leave it.  This is a hard decision for me because I have invested much time getting to know others and offer support to others, yet I feel when I occasionally reach out, it is not reciprocated.

Now granted I get that it is BPD to get mad about perceived or real rejection, so it could be the BPD the same time I feel that I am no longer in the same frame of mind that I was in when I went to that site.  So I am hoping that I can successfully walk away from the site this time.

I have taken short breaks before but never been able to make it last.  But this time I hope for it to be different.  I am simply looking to make my life more about the things it should be focused on and less about websites and supposed online friends, with people that I don't really know.

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