Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life and rejection

I may have mentioned that I am taking classes at the Mental Health Association in Greensboro.  Well I've met a lot of great people there.  And recently there was one that I really became rather close to.  I found out today that she doesn't want me to be her friend anymore.  No calls, No texts, no emails.  Needless to say I am feeling very rejected and hurt by this.

My peer support person says that its not my fault that I was never taught healthy boundaries.  But at the same time has said that with the emails and texts that I am overwhelming people and suffocating them.  She said that I have a root of rejection and at the core I feel unworthy and therefore that is why I am having problems keeping friends.

I don't know about all that.  I just know that I am feeling very hurt and vulnerable, and that I feel like my safe place is no longer as safe or comfortable as it was if I have to deal with facing rejection whenever I walk through the doors.

Knowing that through the other side of these things are growth and learning.  But hating that life has to hurt so very badly, and that the only way out is through.

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