Initially people may find me to be distant. I appear friendly, yet reserved, most people do not realize I have social anxiety disorder. I often pretend that things are okay when they are not. I am quick to help others, when given the chance and I try to be very encouraging. I am a good listener to someone who is in distress. I’m not very open because I don’t trust others well. I also have a tendency to bring the conversation back to me instead of listening to others.
I am very shy until I get to know somebody, but then I’m talkative. I am compassionate and very sensitive to the needs of others. I can be a very good friend to others, if they allow me to be. I have a nurturing personality and enjoy taking care of others. I am very loving and affectionate, especially with people with whom I am close. I often need approval and affirmations from friends when things are not going well. I try to please people whatever it takes. I am very dependable and am generally responsible. I think about things a long time before I start them. I love to read most anything that I can get my hands on, and I love to learn new things and often share what I learn with others
Family members easily irritate me, and I tend to complain when things are going badly, and beat myself up when things go wrong. I put off things that I percieve will be hard or uncomfortable. I think too much about what I said or did or should have said or did or what I will say or do. Social anxiety disorder causes me to feel anxious around people and in social situations
I have an inner strength that pulls me through, and a love for God and his Word. I am very loyal to a cause, my church, and my friends. I am very giving of my time and affection. It takes me a long time to trust others and be genuine with them. I tend to put myself last after trying to please others, or taking care of my close friends. I am very smart and learn quickly. I’m uncertain about myself, and how I appear to others. I think I appear scared of things and life to others. I suffer from feeling sad and down for no reason at times and sometimes nothing I do helps me to improve it. I worry about things too much and what people think about me. Some people think that I focus on myself more than I should
I tend to be prompt, usually early for appointments and engagements. Bosses and authority figures make me shaky and on edge. I strongly believe in quality over quantity in the things I do. Talking on the phone makes me nervous because I feel I am a burden to others. Business calls make me shaky and nervous, and I tend to feel inadequate. I always stand up for what I feel is right
I don’t keep a neat, picked up house, in fact my mess is often overwhelming to look at. However I do take time to relax and unwind. When depressed I struggle to shower and remember to brush my teeth and hair. I don’t keep my appearance up as some do, but I am ok with that. I don’t use my time wisely, waste time sleeping and on the computer, I want to learn to become better at that. I remain tense most all of the time, I need to work on relaxation techniques. I rarely commit to social engagements and often think of backing out.
I generally think about failing before I ever get started on something overwhelming myself to inaction, causing many problems. I can cook well when I really want to, although I choose not to do so often. I don’t pay attention to when its time to do car maintenance. I also buy things I don’t need; like books and junk food, great things to have but not the best use of my money.
Current events don’t interest me, but things that interest me I am attentive to. I tend to be very insightful and I have a natural talent with computers.
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