As the tree drops its leaves
Blowing on the breeze
The babies flutter around
Making little sound
Once green and full of life
Now multicolored and letting go of life
The leaves look back on memories
Memories of times past when people would sit and rest
Resting from the days activities
The leaves would offer shade
And respite from heat
Protection from falling raindrops
And the leaves think back
And recall all the people tall and small
Those that cried beneath the tree
Those that laughed and were full of glee
The leaves have great memories
They have seen life and death
And every time people bereft
The leaves release their hold of life
And drop, dropping to the ground
Barely making any sound
Covering the forest floor
Knowing that life is no more
But also knowing they will fertilize the land
And be raked up by loving hands
Used to create great piles
Where children can jump and play all day
The colors vibrant and bright
Bringing the forest to light
All the many leaves
They enjoy the final part of their journey
Knowing that in the spring
The cycle begins all over again
The leaves come to rest
Knowing that they have fulfilled their purpose
May we only be like the leaves
And bring about the end of our journey with peace
And great memories
Of a life fulfilled
And fully lived
The leaves don't question their purpose or ponder why
They just live their lives as time passes by
Enjoying each new day
Knowing it as simply a stop among the way
No worries, no troubles
There is much to be learned from the leaves
How they reach to the sky
Stretching high, basking in the warmth of the sun
Yet turning as the wind and rains come
Yet still holding strong
And knowing their purpose
Should we only remain that strong
Knowing how to blow with the wind
Through the storms of this life
And let go of all the negativity and strife
Remaining true to our purpose
Those are the lessons we could learn from the leaves.
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