The seasons come and seasons go....but it all really stays the same. A different time and different things, but one thing doesn't change. God is there through the seasons, whether they be of trouble or of good. Life is far from perfect and some seasons seem to last longer than others, but the growth comes from the seasons of trials, that teach you and make you stronger than before.
I've faced some seasons more than once in my life, and yet every one is different, for as much as it is the same. I've battled my seasons of depression and still I struggle on, but each has been different and has taught me different things. The problems always seem to come when I began to finally think I am coming back out of it and things feel good again. Then I run into more emotions that make little sense and another something to dampen my spirit, so that it seems that I am not making progress....yet I know that I am. But sometimes the new season seems to come so quickly that it seems there is more cloudy and dark than there is of the light. Sometimes triggered by the most fun and innocent of things....then the tiredness and burden seems to come back, unbidden, and you wonder if progress will ever be made. But I know that this too is a season to be gone through.